Thursday, October 05, 2006

Matt Felker interview

What would you do for 15 minutes of fame? What would you do to become popular on Myspace? For many people, the answer seems to be--just about anything. Matt Felker, a.k.a. Brad Lenz, pokes fun at our celebrity-crazed society and Hollywood, where perception matters more than reality.


Blogger RsrchHllywd said...

This is ridiculous. It is self hate. No one is more Brad Lenz than its creator Matt.

He moved to LA to become famous. He’s making this movie to become famous. He is obsessed with fame. Exactly what he’s complaining about! You can’t have it both ways.

He spends hours a day at the gym, hours a day at the pool, hours a day primping, preening and moisturizing.

Even the “ Brad” in Brad Lenz stems from his obsession with Brad Pitt.
(See Brad or Matt montage on Pbase.) Matt posts his bio and pictures all over the internet! I’ve done my homework.

He’s even defacing property by spray painting his name on it -- all so people will know who he is. Graffiti for self promotion!?

If Matt’s upset by the desire for beauty, popularity and fame, why doesn’t he rebel or resist? If you don’t respect these things go back to the UnHollywood world of Wisconsin. Do something noble like be a teacher, social worker or volunteer for Hospice. But to complain about what you are and not change is just self hate.

Whine about image and fame so you can become more famous? Do you see the irony here? Is this all a put on? It’s like Ted Haggard preaching against homosexuality while paying a gay prostitute for sex.

I don’t care if you want to be a model, actor or be famous. In fact I wish you luck. But you can’t criticize and capitalize on it if you’re doing it. Forget the movie and try therapy.

2:14 PM  
Blogger RsrchHllywd said...

This is ridiculous. It is self hate. No one is more Brad Lenz than its creator Matt.

He moved to LA to become famous. He’s making this movie to become famous. He is obsessed with fame. Exactly what he’s complaining about! You can’t have it both ways.

He spends hours a day at the gym, hours a day at the pool, hours a day primping, preening and moisturizing.

Even the “ Brad” in Brad Lenz stems from his obsession with Brad Pitt.
(See Brad or Matt montage on Pbase.) Matt posts his bio and pictures all over the internet! I’ve done my homework.

He’s even defacing property by spray painting his name on it -- all so people will know who he is. Graffiti for self promotion!?

If Matt’s upset by the desire for beauty, popularity and fame, why doesn’t he rebel or resist? If you don’t respect these things go back to the UnHollywood world of Wisconsin. Do something noble like be a teacher, social worker or volunteer for Hospice. But to complain about what you are and not change is just self hate.

Whine about image and fame so you can become more famous? Do you see the irony here? Is this all a put on? It’s like Ted Haggard preaching against homosexuality while paying a gay prostitute for sex.

I don’t care if you want to be a model, actor or be famous. In fact I wish you luck. But you can’t criticize and capitalize on it if you’re doing it. Forget the movie and try therapy.

2:14 PM  
Blogger bradlenz said...

thanks for the added publicity betty... "bitter betty" that is. You are obviously either a character written in the film or a parent of... or both. thanks for the added press generation negative or positive it just fuels the fire. Its funny how nobody has ridiculed me so strongly as you ms. You must be nervous to see what your character or daughters character looks like on screen. But dont worry ever major hollywood actress wants to play her. The role is better than "gia." Maybe we can all go to therapy together. Ill pay for it deal? :) sex tapes, selfmutalation, premiscious sex and crystal meth. all roled into a southern beauty. reality is sometimes stranger than fiction. great character though. Keep posting :) thanks for your support

sincerely, Brad Lenz

ps. brad lenz is derived from two random people I encountered along my way in hollywood one and actor and one an actress they in no way linked to the film as characters just meshed there names together.

10:28 PM  
Blogger RsrchHllywd said...

My point is you're hypocritical. To criticize fame when that's what you're trying to achieve is absurd. Why would you be critical of what you want?
Seems like self hate to me. How can you ridicule Hollywood when you want to be here so badly?

And you still don't address the issue of defacing property with graffiti all in the name of self promotion.
Ah yes, you're definitely making the world a better place! Kudos to you noble warrior! And now you’re signing your items Brad Lenz instead of who you really are Matt. Trying to escape from who you are? Wanting to be someone else?
Time for more therapy.

P.S. It’s “their” names together not “there” and I still believe the Brad in Brad Lenz stems from your obsession with Brad Pitt. Can your obsession be denied?

9:34 PM  
Blogger said...

Everyone is able to have there own opinion, but to make acusations without reading or viewing the film is basicly a bit judgemental. The theme is "perception is not reality" Did you ever think the author may want you to be saying everything you are posting?
The concept in my opinion is not about self promotion but about branding and consumerism and society. Much like everyone from P diddy to George Foreman to smaller like Daisy Fuentes. You can fume all you like. To personally attack the creator is honestly weak. There would be no reason to unless some sort of personally bitterness or envy was there. This is a movie that is in "preproduction." You are judging a film on "perception" which is exactly what the author wants you to do. The internet, media, hollywood is all perception. Sit back and think. This project I believe is much larger than just a movie in the theatre. It is crossing the lines of "fiction and reality"
The people who get the most horrific amount of negative press are making the most amount of money because you the consumer buy it. Everyone loves to hate Paris Hilton and she is laughing while spending your money. The consumers negative bashing her keeps her in the media and keeps her selling product.

12:58 AM  
Blogger said...

E news Live made the comparison . There is truth unfortunately.

5 minutes into the interview

Unfortunately the acusation of the comparisons are true. But that is very much besides the point. The expalnation of th echaracter is available on the undercontruction site
as well as

1:00 AM  
Blogger fuckstickmagoo said...

youre all stupid. heres the real brad lenz. hes from the smae hometown as well may be the the reason for the name

2:09 PM  
Blogger bradisthenewpink said...

You havent researched anything. Your negative input stems from nothing more than your own miserable existence. Negativity is highly unattractive. When you need to oppose to something so strongly based off of nother more than assumption. It ususall stems from personal disappointment

5:55 PM  
Blogger bradisthenewpink said...

cut and pasted from matts personal myspace page.

What you are looking for? It's in front of you not behind the door
Current mood: amused

"Lost" is not only a popular television show its also a common theme in the greater metro Los Angeles are. I like to on occasion go out to the random "hot spots." Im actually sometimes accepted in this little subculture. I dont drink, party, or go out to try to get laid....just observe. Observation of the phenominon that American culture dwells upon and dodes over. "celebritism" "the beautiful people" The irony is most of the people in these clubs are not all that attractive. Unlike New York, Miami, and London. Los Angles Clubs/ Hollywood are not filled with the pretty people. More like the common looking with alot of money with a few pretty people for the "place setting" effect. Not to mention the abundance of hangeroners club rats and unemployed whom everyone is confused how they function in the economic market and/ or what they actually do for a living. These clubs are usually sprinkled with with a few celebs ranking from the A to E list to keep the reputation of being "hot" alive. It seems that so many seem so lost. Of course there are always those whom are there to dance, let loose and forget about there day. But it seems most who frequent these places night after night are searching for something. An emptyness they want to fill. They attend these places night after night trying to find it. Or hoping not to miss it. What they figure out is they are not missing anything. It's funny, because after I go to these places where it is very selective and you're supposed to feel special for being accepted, Im often depressed the next day.
Unlike what is portayed of glamorous and fun. It's filled with a darkness that really is undescribable. I'm not the only one to observe this feeling either. My project is not about anti fame or bashing it. It actually can be wonderful. Fame brings you a podium to say something constructive, do something positive for society. Unfortunately most famous people are so busy trying to mask problems and worries with "glamour." They a have bought the definition of "glamour" much like the basic consumer. Sold through beautiful imagry and photos. Next time you are getting ready to go out. Look in that mirror while you are gelling your hair or plucking your eyebrows. Why are you going out? What are you looking for? Its not behind the red ropes. It's in front of you usually.

9:27 PM  

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